The Weller Family | Portland, MI Family Photos

From what I understand, there is always a story behind a Weller event, and family photos proved to be no different! We have been planning these photos for a while and the date selected needed to work because it is difficult to get 23 people in the same spot at the same time. When the day came, Portland, Michigan was having its 4th straight day of heavy rain and there was no end in sight. I showed up to the location of photos hoping to find an alternate (covered) location and began setting up my equipment when…tornado sirens. The rain was blowing sideways and I’m pretty sure I saw Dorothy fly by! Just a few miles away from our location, a tornado touched down so we hunkered down in the family basement with a few members of the Weller family to wait the worst of the storm out. Luckily after some time passed, there was a break in the storm where we could grab some photos. It was still raining, but not hard enough to be anything to worry about, especially after what we had just witnessed! Here are a few of my favorites from this very eventful photo session!

Extended Family Photo
extended family photography
family photos

Can you believe that all of the lovely people above are a result of these two lovebirds? They are celebrating 50 years and have so many wonderful things to show for it! Congrats Mom and Dad Weller!

couples photo

To view their full gallery, click here!