Who Can Use Drone Photography?

Drone Photography can be used in so many ways. It gives you a unique perspective on property and landscapes, one that you just cannot achieve without a drone! Here are some ways you or the people you know can use drone photography:

  1. Homeowners - You worked hard for your home, why not get unique photographs of it for a keepsake and to pass down to future generations. Photographing your home with a drone provides the most unique perspective!

  2. Real Estate Agents - One of the most common drone photography clients is real estate agents. Every house on the market needs photos! Adding drone photos can help the listing sell up to 68% faster than listings without drone photos.

  3. Farmers - Farmers are often in charge of large plots of land that can be cumbersome to monitor on foot. With aerial photography, drones are able to capture large plots of land with great detail that is essential to farmers.

  4. Boat Owners - A place that is much more accessible to drones than regular cameras is over the water! Boats look much more appealing on the water than they do in a garage and some boat owners might want images of their boat as something to frame in their home!

  5. Construction Companies - Aerial photos of a construction site would enable you to capture the entire site in just a couple of photos, making them very informative and useful. They can also be used by construction companies to inspect finished projects.

  6. Roofing Companies - Because drones are perfect for hard-to-reach areas, this photographic option is perfect for roofing companies! What better way to capture your work than from above? Roofers need advertising photos to show potential clients examples of work, and these are very difficult to capture from the ground.

  7. Tourism - The goal of tourism boards is to entice people to visit their location, so they are always in need of quality imagery to use in brochures, flyers, email campaigns, etc.! Aerial photography is a great addition to their library, as these images are ideal for capturing landscapes and locations in an intriguing way to attract visitors.

  8. Businesses - Do you want aerial photos of your new office building to showcase the location? Maybe you have a car dealership that could use aerial photos to feature the cars and size of your lot, or a restaurant that could put drone photos on social media to attract potential customers. There are so many options to get a unique photo for your business!

  9. Marketing Departments - Aerial imagery makes great marketing material for any company! With the unique perspective, you will have eye catching imagery that you can showcase on social media, websites, newsletters and more!


Are you ready to schedule drone photos of your property? Click here to get started!