The Platte Family | Ionia, Michigan Family Photos

I was so happy that the Platte Kids came together to purchase a gift card for family portraits for their parents this year! It really is such a nice gift for parents to receive and these updated photos of their family are priceless!

The Platte family chose Bertha Brock Park in Ionia, Michigan as their location of choice. I absolutely love this choice, this park has a river, bridges and lots of trees which all make for a good variety of photos. On the day of photos, this park was busltling. Many graduation parties and family gatherings were happening so we had to get creative with how to photograph the Platte family to get as few people in the background of their photos as possible while still being able to capture the essence of Bertha Brock Park. I think we had some great success, and you can see for yourself too! Here are a few of my favorites from my time with them!

family photo
family photo
photo of a couple
photo of siblings
photo of mom with daughters
photo of dad with son
family photo in front of a lodge
family standing in the road for a photo
family looking at one another

To view their full gallery, click here!